Section 185 Agreement Southern Water

Section 185 Agreement Southern Water: All You Need to Know

If you`re looking to build a new property in the South of England, chances are you`ll need to sign a Section 185 Agreement with Southern Water. But what exactly is a Section 185 Agreement, and what does it entail?

In short, a Section 185 Agreement is a legal agreement between a property developer and Southern Water that sets out the terms and conditions under which the developer can connect their new development to Southern Water`s sewerage system.

Why is a Section 185 Agreement Required?

Under the Water Industry Act 1991, it is a legal requirement for property developers to obtain the consent of the local sewerage undertaker (in this case, Southern Water) before connecting their development to the public sewer. This is to ensure that the sewerage system can cope with the additional waste and water usage that the development will generate.

What Does a Section 185 Agreement Cover?

A Section 185 Agreement will typically cover the following:

– The terms and conditions under which the developer can connect their development to Southern Water`s sewerage system

– The developer`s obligations in relation to the design and construction of the sewer connection

– The timetable for the connection works and any associated payments

– The ongoing maintenance and repair obligations for the sewer connection.

It is important to note that the developer will be required to pay Southern Water a connection charge for the right to connect to the sewerage system. This charge can vary depending on the size and nature of the development.

How to Apply for a Section 185 Agreement?

To apply for a Section 185 Agreement, the developer must submit an application to Southern Water. The application must include detailed plans of the proposed development and the proposed sewer connection, along with information on the expected water and waste usage.

Southern Water will then assess the application and provide a formal quotation for the connection charge and any associated works. If the developer agrees to the terms and conditions set out in the quotation, they can then sign the Section 185 Agreement and proceed with the connection works.


A Section 185 Agreement may seem like just another bureaucratic hurdle for property developers, but it is an important legal requirement that ensures the safe and effective connection of new developments to Southern Water`s sewerage system. By understanding the requirements and obligations set out in a Section 185 Agreement, developers can ensure a smooth and hassle-free connection process and avoid any unforeseen costs or delays.