What Is the Three Subject Verb Disagreement

Three Subject-Verb Disagreement: Understanding the Basics

As copy editors, we understand the importance of grammar. Our primary task is to ensure that the message we convey is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. One of the most common grammar mistakes that copy editors come across is subject-verb disagreement. In this article, we`ll discuss what is the three subject-verb disagreement and how to avoid it.

Subject-verb disagreement occurs when the subject and the verb in a sentence do not agree with each other, either in number or tense. For example, „The dog barks” is a grammatically sound sentence because the singular subject „dog” agrees with the singular verb „barks.” However, if we change the subject to „dogs,” the sentence becomes „The dogs barks,” which is grammatically incorrect. The subject is in plural form, but the verb is in the singular form.

The three subject-verb disagreement occurs when you have a sentence with three subjects that do not agree with the verb in number or tense. For example, „Jane, John, and Samantha is going to the party” is a sentence that suffers from a three subject-verb disagreement. The subject, which is composed of Jane, John, and Samantha, is plural, but the verb, „is going,” is singular.

To avoid three subject-verb disagreement, you need to ensure that the verb matches the number and tense of the subject. „Jane, John, and Samantha are going to the party” is the correct version of the previous sentence because the verb „are going” agrees with the plural subject. You must also ensure that the tense of the verb matches the tense of the subject. For example, „Jane, John, and Samantha were going to the party” is correct if the intended meaning is in past tense.

In conclusion, three subject-verb disagreement occurs when a sentence has three subjects that do not agree with the verb in number or tense. To avoid this mistake, you must ensure that the verb matches the number and tense of the subject. As copy editors, it is our responsibility to ensure that our content is grammatically correct, and understanding the basics of subject-verb disagreement is crucial.